
2 hours later and someone is finally here to fix the garage door.
Now to wait some more...

Hopefully it will be fixed in the next hour.
And then we can get on our way :)

This is the last post now.
For real.

Have a fabulous weekend.
Ring in the new year right :)
And party hard my friends, party hard!

I will miss our 10 digits greatly.
Can't wait to get back.
Cause then this boy gets back the next day.
And I get to pick him up from the airport :)
And I think I might kidnap him.
And then take him to lunch.
And back to my house...
Oh damn that sounded bad haha.
This boy...
Completely corrupted my mind...
Like mind fucked me hard core...
That is why he is my best friend
I'll miss him greatly.
Shit I miss him as it is...
Just a few more days until we are reunited...
And then PARTYYYY!!!
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