Busy Bee

I have been fairly productive the past 2 days compared to the whole week haha
It makes me happy :)
I've accomplished a lot.
It's awesome!

This has been the weather since Thursday...
I was drinking my coffee this morning at noon today and that was what was outside my window.
There is suppose to be a building in this picture.
That is how bad the snow got.
And I am sure it is longgggg from over!
However at the moment the sky is fairly clear for the first time in 3 days!
(Not going to jinx it!!!)

So due to the shitty lovely weather, I have been crafting :)
Well mostly making cool stuff on my computer.
I actually cleaned my room and didn't feel like pulling everything out again haha.

It started with this!
Another blog? Yes.
Why? Cause I can.
Well no, actually it is because I will be starting an awesome adventure come 2012.
Thus this was created! :)
Go check it out, I give you permission to creep on me some more :P

So then I thought to myself...
What will I write about since it is a month from 2012 still...
The answer?

I decided I wanted to make my own pretty printout :)
So that is what is going on over here!

And then my creativity didn't stop there!!

I got my laptop, some paper and a really awesome frame from Michael's...
And can you guess what I made?

These!! How adorable right :)
The one on the left is a weekly meal planner.

This will hopefully help me eat healthier...
Ha we will see :)

The one on the right is a weekly blog planner.

I am absolutely IN LOVE with how it turned out!
I love how organized I will hopefully be haha.
It's cool because they are in a frame.
Which means each week I can write on them and then erase and reuse! 
And I made them myself.
Which makes them even better :)

I still have 1 more of those frames that I bought at Michael's...
I'm trying to decide what I want to do with it...
I've got a couple ideas.
So stay tuned.
Although it will probably be a good month until I do something with it haha.

Random but...
Last night I was in bad mood haha.
And I mentioned I got awesome footie pajamas.
However I couldn't find the photo of them.
And like magic I found it this afternoon haha.
So enjoy!

Yes, the feet are penguins :)
Be jealous!

Enjoy the rest of your evening!
I have to go dig out my truck which is buried in probably 4 or 5 inches of snow.
And then drive, hoping for no ice...
Wish me luck! :)
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