Minor details...
Haha :P
Yep, it's 9:30 am and I have not slept yet!
Thank you boy!!!
I had full intentions of sleeping last night.
I was all cozy on the sofa.
And then he woke me up and told me to go to bed.
And then he gave me a very lovely back massage.
And then I was awake haha.
Damn you for making me laugh.
And not want to sleep just because we are having soooo much fun!!
I laughed so much.
It was great.
It was great to be able to be goofy.
And myself.
And totally stupid.
And silly.
And weird.
And dirty.
And did I say goofy?
Hahaha :)
It also helps that I was greatly sleep deprived so EVERYTHING was 10 times more hilarious haha.
It was epic! :)
Just a winning night :)
I feel like it is going to happen again tonight...
Haha such a bad influence :P
Alright now I reallyyyyyyyyyy need to get stuff done.
Like wrapping my dad's birthday gifts haha.
And unpacking.
And maybeeeeee sleeping :P
TGIF- Thank God I'm FABULOUS!!