It is the scariest, yet greatest feeling ever.
I may or may not be on a happy high right now.
Is that possible?
It is really amazing how just 1 compliment can make everything a million times better.
Thank you :)
There are not enough words to describe how lucky I am to have met such a great person.
No where near enough...
To be left speechless multiple times in a few hours is really something.
It made me so happy, I cried haha.
I haven't had things like that said to me in a really long time.
I mean it's usually compliments to get in my pants..
But I feel that it is different this time.
Respect for not only me, but my parents.
That just says something...
It says a lot actually.
I could go on for hours about how I felt tonight.
But it is 4 am.
It's 4 am...
Haha so much for sleep :P
Eventually I will talk about it.
Maybe once I can grasp it all.
I am still a little thrown back by it all.
To go from nothing to this.
I am just speechless...
In a good way :)
Sweet dreams :)