Shots Shots Shots!!

Last night...
Such a shit show.
It was epic.
The end!

Woke up at 1:30 this afternoon.
Felt fabulous.
Okay not really...
I was still exhausted.
But last night was soooo worth it.

Lesson learned...
Never let a guy make you a drink.
Unless you want to be a shit show.
Just sayin'.
Not like I was a shit show or anything.
I always keep it classy.
Hell ya!

I even said no to something I really wanted.
Damn sexy man!!

Okay enough stupid ranting bullshit.
I don't need to sound trashy.
Cause God knows I ain't!

Today I made another 3 dozen cookies.
That makes it 12 dozen batches.
That's 24 fucking cookies!!
Oh damn!
I make bomb ass cookies :)

Now to go take an online quiz so I can get some decent sleep tonight.
Final 1 is tomorrow.
I will own economics.
(I hope)
I need to pass this class.
I guess only time will tell....
Wish me luck!
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