Last night was activation... at midnight.
It was definitely 9 degrees out and they wanted me to wear a dress and heels...
With ice!!
Oh hell no!
Haha so I wore sweat pants and boots with my dress :P
I keep it classy!
And so does my little, with her awesome blanket haha
Oh my little...
I love her soooo much!
She is absolutely adorable and hilarious.
And she got me the turtle pillow pet.
Can she get any better?
Oh ya, she is having a fast and furious marathon with me next weekend.
Yep! I win... I picked the perfect little :)
And congrats to all the new ΩΦΑ actives!!
I am sooo excited for next year and what they will add to our service sorority!
I love how great of a mood I am in :)
Oh I dunno...
Oh wait yes I do...
I woke up to a picture of an ass on my phone hahahaha
Oh wait... let me clarify... a donkey haha
Best wake up text ever!!
I knew I was friends with this kid for a reason :)
Now to be productive with the rest of the day.
Ha who am I kidding, I won't get anything done.
Even though I really need to...
How the crap am I going to pull 14 photographs out my ass for class...?!
Maybe I should have actually gone to class
Nawwwwwwwwwwwww haha
But really, I actually have things I NEED to do!!
Focus time... GO!