

So I was suppose to have internet while on this lovely vacation.
It was going to keep me from going crazy.
And so I could talk to this boy.

But no.
Stupid mice chewed the cord for it.
So now no internet for the next few days.

No new posts until 2012.

I am trying to look at it as a good thing.
It will be a good 4 days of me time.
That is how I will look at it.
Me time.
Time for me.
Time for me to relax.
Time for me to breath.
Time for me to think.
Get away from reality.
It will be good for me.
Because I say so.
Happy thoughts.

Maybe it is what I really need.
Maybe it is fate...
Guess I'll have to wait and see.

Until then...
Party hard y'all :)
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