Well being exhausted really sucks...
I was doing great.
All up until 20 minutes ago.
And then I crashed.
My truck.
I hit the back of it into one of those shopping cart return thingys.
I mean nothing is really broken.
Which is a HUGE relief.
However, it scared the shit out of me.
And just made me feel like shit.
Total shit.
It doesn't help that I am going off of 30 minutes of sleep in 24 hours...
Worth it, absolutely.
Should do it again, probably not for awhile.
Yet here I am again at poly...
I couldn't stand being at home.
Especially alone.
On a Friday night.
And honestly...
I am sick of home already.
My mom is seriously driving me nuts.
She threw a bitch fit today about me staying over at poly so much.
It is "inappropriate"
How old am I?
She doesn't give a fuck about what I do when I'm at school.
But once I am home...
All hell breaks loose.
It's like I have a fucking leash on me.
It's stupid.
And frustrating.
Not really relaxing.
Thus why I have escaped to ASU Poly once again.
I love these people with a passion.
They are why I am still here.
This week is why I keep coming here.
I have laughed so much.
It brings tears to my eyes.
It is going to suck when they all leave for Christmas.
Thank god I'll be gone between Christmas and New Years.
Keep me busy.
And away from going crazy at home.
I need it.
I need friends like these at NAU.
Friends that act like retards in Walmart at midnight.
Friends that let me be me.
Friends that keep me up all hours of the night with no regrets.
Friends that buy these taquitos...
"Relax for 1 minute, then conquer the craving!"