My hermit crab died :'(
Sad day.
But I don't think it was my fault.
She has looked funny for awhile.
And my other one is still alive and fine.
So who knows.
But it's depressing.
I can't take care of hermit crabs.
Or even plants.
I fail.
Also, I found dead maggots/flies in a bag in a drawer in my room...
I think I need to do some cleaning.
I am about to break down and clean my whole fucking room.
I am not okay with this.
I am tired.
And in a ton of pain.
And I need a hug.
Ugh I hate how just 1 thing can set me off like this...
I guess being this exhausted doesn't help either...
Not going to dwell on this though.
I can't.
I won't let myself.
I will be strong.
So tv then sleep it is.