This whole not going to bed till the wee hours of the morning needs to stop..
4 am again...
Thanks boy :P
I wish that it was winter break already.
I'm ready to go hang out with all my poly friends.
And get the hell out of here!!
I am sooooo fed up with the bullshit.
It's just ridiculous...
I'm ready to just sleep and be around people who actually want to hang out with me.
Unlike some bitches..
So tonight was my sorority's secret santa thing.
We had a $10 max.
And if you wanted to participate you put your name in and got someone else's name.
I don't even have words for it.
I mean really.
Yes I gathered that people weren't there, but don't give me some random bitch's gift.
I want the gift that was suppose to be for me.
I am not a selfish person.
I would rather give than receive something.
But I got screwed over last year with my gift.
It would just be nice to feel special for once.
For someone to care about me for once.
To get the same thing in return.
I am sick of getting screwed with everything.
I am sick of always giving and never ever ever receiving something.
Or even a thank you.
To be appreciated.
It just sucks.
I am too tired to feel this uncared about.
I am too stressed to feel this way.
I just want to be treated the way I deserve.
Or is this what I deserve?
Am I really that horrible of a person?
I didn't think I was...
But I guess I don't deserve anything.
I never have and I guess I never will.
I am just done.
I don't even feel like talking.
I just want to curl up in a ball and cry.
I feel like total shit.
I'm done.