I just have to say there is still hope...
Thank you boy for showing me why I shouldn't give up.
Showing me that not all guys are tools.
Showing me that I am pretty, even with no make up or shower.
Showing me that I am something special.
Showing me that people can still be trusted.
Showing me how to trust again.
Showing me how to let someone in again.
Showing me that I don't have to be alone, ever.
But most importantly...
Showing me how to live life again :)
The past 3 months have been the biggest roller coaster of my life.
And I know it is far from over.
But this past month, not even.
Few weeks.
Has made it all okay.
I have learned so much about myself.
And life in general.
The hardest part has been learning to fall again.
Fall and not be afraid of hitting the ground.
It is still scary.
But its getting better every day.
So thank you boy for being my best friend :)
I am feeling a very long blog about more of this in the very near future.
For now though...
My computer is dying.
And I must sleep.
Happy birthday to the most amazing father ever!!