
They always seem to be between this boy and me.

That is the reality of things.

I just realized this tonight.
And damn does it suck.
I just can't win.

When I'm at school there is a ton of mountains between us.
When I'm home there are mountains.
And even now there is a mountain between us.

And I'm not speaking metaphorically either.
Oh don't even get me started on those "mountains".

Maybe soon things will get easier.
Maybe my life will start lifting up...
I can hope right?

As the boy always says...
"Chin up!"

He's kinda sorta amazing.
Just saying.

After a good nights sleep last night I feel better.
I also finally got my computer back.
And this boy basically yelled at me to go home.
He called it "tough love".
Haha I call bullshit.
But he is one smart cookie.
I am pretty sure he knows me better than I know myself...
Going home was just what I needed.
A good break from school.
And my stupid roommate.
And the crap there.
Since I've been home it's been nothing but laughs.

And this boy...
Always can put a smile on my face.
He is always so strong.
I am so thankful for him.
He is my best friend.
And I absolutely cannot wait for him to come back.
I have a biggggg surprise for him.
I'm making him dinner and dessert.
And treating him to a movie.
And to an amusement park.
Damn I'm amazing.
This boy better start sucking up.
Just saying :P

Now to go focus on how I am going to kick this boy's ass when he gets back...
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