Fuck Mondays.
Seriously they suck.
I went to bed last night happy.
Happy because I was going to make it through the week.
Because I would get to see my best friend again on thursday.
But my luck ran out.
Let me back track a little...
This weekend my best friend came to visit.
Even though it was only for one night...
It was amazing.
We went to the Grand Canyon to watch the sun rise.
The snow had other plans.
But we went anyways.
Soooooo much fun.
I didnt want them all to leave.
It was depressing.
Even more so because I realized something...
I've actually fallen for my best friend.
I know I said I never would.
But I did.
Every moment I spend with him puts me on a high.
It's amazing.
I love it.
I love how this boy has taken my broken heart.
I love that I can trust this boy.
I love that I want to be with him.
And I really miss him.
And that sucks!!
And now i won't see him for a few weeks.
I am really sad.
I wish I could see him right now.
And give him a big hug.
I think he needs it.
I know he needs it.
I wish I was with him right now.
Being there to support him.
Of all people he doesn't deserve this.
No one does.
I am so sorry love.
I can't wait to see him and give him the biggest hug ever.
He has been my rock the past few months.
I don't know where I would be if he wasn't in my life.
I am so grateful to know this amazing guy.
There are not enough words to describe how I feel.
The impact he has had on my life brings tears to my eyes.
In a good way.
He makes me actually like myself.
It has been so long since i can say that.
Its a feeling that words can't describe.
I thank god every day for meeting this boy.