I am completely speechless right now.
Just when I thought I've seen it all, this happens.
Stupid dumb fuck.
So I have been on my last nerve with one my roommates for a good month or so now.
And last Wednesday she pushed one of my last buttons, but I was able to let it go and hope things would get better.
Well I come home tonight to find a plastic plate in the trash.
Not a paper plate or even her plate, but an actual plastic plate!!
That was the last straw.
I lost it!!
I actually had to call my mom and talk to her to be able to calm down enough not to do anything stupid.
Now I do over react quite often..
But I was more pissed off than I was with my ex.
And that says a lot!
I mean who in the right mind throws away a plate.
It's fucking crazy.
She is just soooo retarded and only cares about herself.
I am so over her and wanting to live next to her.
I finally had it tonight and went to talk to the RA.
We are doing our roommate agreement and hopefully things will get better.
Otherwise that bitch will be moving out.
I've had it!
So of course because I slept for 15 hours today
And didn't go to class
I was far from tired and extremely upset.
So I cleaned.
And cleaned.
And cleaned...
Our whole apartment is now spotless.
I mean kitchen and bathroom completely scrubbed clean.
I feel accomplished.
I am glad that I can turn my emotions into cleaning...
Now if only I could do that with homework haha.
But now after 3 hours of nonstop cleaning, I'm exhausted.
And need to go to class.
I guess we have a guest speaker and need to go.
I'm saying I'm going to go, but I'm not making any promises.
I have no motivation to go to this class.
My teacher is a total joke and also greatly annoys me.
It's a big problem.
I'm so over school.
I just want to sleep.
Which I'm going to go do now.