
There are not enough words to describe how excited I am to be home for Thanksgiving break.
I reallyyyyyyyyyy needed to get away from Flagstaff and all the crap up there.
But OMG I forgot how boring it is here haha.
I've been home for 6+ hours...
And all I've done is eat dinner, get ice cream and watch tv for 3 hours...
It's dumb!

I've also realized I can't go to bed before midnight unless I am extremely exhausted, but even then I have a hard time doing it.
I need help.
Well I need a lot of things, but whatever.

It is going to be a crazy next 5 days...
Well except for tomorrow, its going to be a little low key.
Just some returns, maybe shopping and date night with my little sister!
Thursday is turkey turkey and more turkey.
2 flippin' meals back-to-back.
Friday is setting up for the super awesome festival.
And then ASU game!
Saturday is the Festival of Lights Kick-Off Party.
Which is basically like a mini carnival event to start the turning on of over a million Christmas lights.
Which means that I will be a very very very busy bee all day.
From like 9 am to midnight... Nonstop!!
But it's totally worth it.
I always have a good time.
Plus I get to boss dumb high schoolers around.
Could it get any better? Haha
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