2 months in the making...
And I still haven't recovered.
It just never ends.
It's just stress, stress, stress.
I need to learn to control it better.
I use to be able to.
It sucks breaking down from stress.
It is by far one of the worst feelings ever.
I'm just sooo grateful for my mom.
She talked to me for an hour last night.
I was able to breath a little afterwards.
I am just over everything.
I just want to sleep.
But that won't be happening for at least another week.
Which makes me want to cry...
On a somewhat brighter note-
I am going shoe shopping later today.
You can never have too many shoes.
I just hope I can find a pair of boots that I desperately need.
It snowed allllll day yesterday.
Now it is slushy shit.
Waterproof boots are a must.
Crossing my fingers I can find some today.
I realllyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I should go to class.
Learning is good.
It distracts me from all the other problems.
And it is sunny out today.
That kinda makes me smile.
I need something bright and cheery.
Here's to hopefully a not so stressful day!