Well I found out some not so happy stuff... but I quickly realized that it really didn't hurt so much as I thought it would and then I came to the conclusion that I was okay with it as long as we were friends.. we will see how long that goes. Guys are just dicks. The end!
But either way today has just been a debbi downer kind of day. It really sucks. I've had 2 cups of coffee and I still feel dead. Blahhhh... I really really really hate days like today. And it is super windy out and that blows! Ha I made a funny.
Thank god I am going to go hang out with some really fun people in an hour and that will hopefully bring my spirits up. Also thinking about this weekend is kinda helping. I just want this week to be over. Its been too crazy. I just want to be lazy for 1 day, just 1 that's all.You'd think as a college student I would have lots of time to be lazy and sleep all day. But no... I'm busier than a bee. Okay that was a tacky saying haha.
I need to go clean this mess of a room I've been living in. I've been needing to clean it for like 2 weeks now but I've been so busy I never completely accomplished that, oops! It is going to happen today, orrr maybe tomorrow. But definitely before Friday since I am going home and I hate leaving with this big of a mess. And I feel like crafting, but all my crafting stuff is buried in the corner. AHH I'm going to cry, I think that is a sin to cover crafting stuff haha. Ya I might have some issues...
Hope you have a better Hump Day than I have been having!