Holy Baby Jesus!!

This weekend was REDONKULOUS!!
Did I sleep much... Hell no.
I'm so exhausted and I still don't have time to sleep yet.
It was go go go from Thursday to Sunday.
I am ready for another break haha.

It is now time to buckle down and try to save some of my grades haha.

1 week of regular classes...
1 week of "studying" in said classes...
2 finals...

Words cannot describe how excited I am for winter break.
The plan is to be at poly as much as possible!! haha
It's going to be epic either way.

Now to do something productive.. haha


There are not enough words to describe how excited I am to be home for Thanksgiving break.
I reallyyyyyyyyyy needed to get away from Flagstaff and all the crap up there.
But OMG I forgot how boring it is here haha.
I've been home for 6+ hours...
And all I've done is eat dinner, get ice cream and watch tv for 3 hours...
It's dumb!

I've also realized I can't go to bed before midnight unless I am extremely exhausted, but even then I have a hard time doing it.
I need help.
Well I need a lot of things, but whatever.

It is going to be a crazy next 5 days...
Well except for tomorrow, its going to be a little low key.
Just some returns, maybe shopping and date night with my little sister!
Thursday is turkey turkey and more turkey.
2 flippin' meals back-to-back.
Friday is setting up for the super awesome festival.
And then ASU game!
Saturday is the Festival of Lights Kick-Off Party.
Which is basically like a mini carnival event to start the turning on of over a million Christmas lights.
Which means that I will be a very very very busy bee all day.
From like 9 am to midnight... Nonstop!!
But it's totally worth it.
I always have a good time.
Plus I get to boss dumb high schoolers around.
Could it get any better? Haha

So exhausted.

I'm starting to get depressed I am that exhausted!

I was in a good mood, but my roommates are pretty much ignoring me for whatever reason.
I didn't know I was back in high school dealing with petty drama.
It's just stupid...

But I'm not going to think about that.
I'm just going to try to keep thinking about this past weekend to get me through the next 24 hours till Turkey break.
OMG I <3 my poly boys...
Shit it was a good weekend haha.

Saturday was the ASU/UofA football game...
I definitely drove down right before the game.
Gotta rep ASU baby!
Even though we lost, it was a good game.
After the game I drove all the way out to the middle of no where... well almost...
ASU Polytec is pretty far out there, and there really isn't much around.
Except some of the most amazing people ever :)
I am soooo glad I made the decision to go down this weekend.
It was absolutely needed.
I almost didn't come back to Flag today for my exams it was that good.
Even though I didn't sleep at all, it was still fun.
Although 2 days of staying up till 6 am is very rough haha.
I have zero regrets about it.
I can't wait to do it again :)

Knowing that there are actually decent people who want my company is nice.
Unlike the bitches I apparently live with...
I am seriously debating on transfering to poly haha.
Oh that would be trouble...

Can't wait :)

I need to go pack so I can leave on time tomorrow afternoon and get the hell out of here!

My Life...

Can be really frustrating sometimes...
You pick girlfriends over guys and then you get screwed over and alone on a Friday night...
I can't win.
I'll just clean haha.

Last night was good though.
Pancakes at 2 am haha.

Yesterday I bought these...

(Ugh why is it sideways :/)

And I made these cuties!! :)

I feel accomplished for the weekend haha
And it's not even Saturday.
More crafting and things to come possibly...
Depends how I feel haha.

I hope everyone has a safe and fabulous weekend.
I know I hope to! :)

Classes? What Are Those??

Definitely did not go to classes again today...
This is becoming a BIG problem.
I have officially checked out for winter break!
I need to check back in...
I still have finals!!

But that's another day's problem haha.

Today was a fun day!
I think everyone needs those.
I hung out with my best friends for hours today.
I really needed some good laughs :)

We went to Michael's... the Dollar Tree... and Barnes and Nobles....
Just a badddddddddddd mix! haha
I may or may not have spent $50 on books...
But they are epic books!
The BIG-ASS Book of Crafts! 
Hell ya!! :)
And Wreck This Journal and This Is Not A Book :)

Sooo many great ideas for crafts... This is going to get dangerous haha.
And wait for the new year for This Is Not A Book.
Can you say awesome adventures are going to happen!!
And I haven't decided about Wreck This Journal...
I'm not sure if I want to start it now or at the new year...
Decisions decisions decisions...
Eh I'll figure it out another day haha.

It's crafting time!!
I'll give you a little hint...

It involves these.
It isn't done yet.
But once it is, it will be epic!

Can't wait for this weekend :)
I am completely speechless right now.
Just when I thought I've seen it all, this happens.
Stupid dumb fuck.

So I have been on my last nerve with one my roommates for a good month or so now.
And last Wednesday she pushed one of my last buttons, but I was able to let it go and hope things would get better.
Well I come home tonight to find a plastic plate in the trash.
Not a paper plate or even her plate, but an actual plastic plate!!
That was the last straw.
I lost it!!
I actually had to call my mom and talk to her to be able to calm down enough not to do anything stupid.
Now I do over react quite often..
But I was more pissed off than I was with my ex.
And that says a lot!
I mean who in the right mind throws away a plate.
It's fucking crazy.
She is just soooo retarded and only cares about herself.
I am so over her and wanting to live next to her.
I finally had it tonight and went to talk to the RA.
We are doing our roommate agreement and hopefully things will get better.
Otherwise that bitch will be moving out.
I've had it!

So of course because I slept for 15 hours today
And didn't go to class
I was far from tired and extremely upset.
So I cleaned.
And cleaned.
And cleaned...
Our whole apartment is now spotless.
I mean kitchen and bathroom completely scrubbed clean.
I feel accomplished.
I am glad that I can turn my emotions into cleaning...
Now if only I could do that with homework haha.

But now after 3 hours of nonstop cleaning, I'm exhausted.
And need to go to class.
I guess we have a guest speaker and need to go.
I'm saying I'm going to go, but I'm not making any promises.
I have no motivation to go to this class.
My teacher is a total joke and also greatly annoys me.
It's a big problem.

I'm so over school.
I just want to sleep.
Which I'm going to go do now.

IACURH 2011 :)

IACURH 2011...
Best weekend ever!!

8 hours of sleep over 5 days
Soo worth it.

Words cannot explain how amazing it was.
I met some of the coolest people ever!

I'll talk more about it when I am fully functioning haha.


Hit My Breaking Point...

Well ladies and gentlemen I finally hit my breaking point last night.
2 months in the making...
And I still haven't recovered.
It just never ends.
It's just stress, stress, stress.
I need to learn to control it better.
I use to be able to.
It sucks breaking down from stress.
It is by far one of the worst feelings ever.
I'm just sooo grateful for my mom.
She talked to me for an hour last night.
I was able to breath a little afterwards.
I am just over everything.
I just want to sleep.
But that won't be happening for at least another week.
Which makes me want to cry...

On a somewhat brighter note-
I am going shoe shopping later today.
You can never have too many shoes.
I just hope I can find a pair of boots that I desperately need.
It snowed allllll day yesterday.
Now it is slushy shit.
Waterproof boots are a must.
Crossing my fingers I can find some today.
I realllyyyyyyyyyyyyy want NEED them.

I should go to class.
Learning is good.
It distracts me from all the other problems.

And it is sunny out today.
That kinda makes me smile.
I need something bright and cheery.

Here's to hopefully a not so stressful day!

So tired...

This weekend was great. I really needed to get away from Flagstaff and studying and drama.
But it kicked my ass haha.


I forgot how tiring the state fair can be haha.
We didn't get home till maybe midnight.
We unfortunately didn't ride many rides, they hurt too much. It was weird. It also rained.
However, I got to play some free games thanks to some very good looking guys :)
Sometimes you just need nights like that where you feel like you are on top of the world.

Saturday was off to my grandma's.
I made some really awesome letters, I don't have any pictures, but I will soon!
And don't go see The Rum Diary... really nothing special.

I definitely ate like a fat kid allllll weekend!
It was great.

And then my grandma said I look great and asked how much weight I've lost...
I didn't really think I looked different, especially after eating sooo much this weekend.
But I guess to her I did. And that was enough to put a HUGE smile on my face.
It doesn't matter who, but whenever someone calls you beautiful, it really makes you feel like a million bucks.
Words can't describe how it makes me feel :)

I also learned this weekend that I am a lot stronger than I thought I was.
It is still surprising me...
I thought that knowing he found someone else would kill me, but it is really just silly to feel that way.
I mean he really wasn't the one. No one liked him. He was is selfish. He is going downhill fast.
And he can't pull me down anymore!
I think I can finally really say I am in a better place without him.
It's sad that he is going no where and doesn't care for my help anymore.
But that is his problem. When he is in jail or kicked out of his house and comes crawling back, I am just going to laugh in his face and walk away.
I don't hate him, I do still care about him as a friend and I hope that doesn't happen to him.
But I am not going to try to help him or try to be friends when he no longer cares about me at all.
I wish him the best.

No more talk about him or thinking about it.
It's over. I'm done.

And bed haha. This weekend was exhausting, but soooo worth it :)

Now 3 days of school and off to Wyoming for 4 days for IACURH 2011!!

Let's do this! :)

Hello Weekend!

Sooooo glad it is FINALLY the weekend!!
I have been looking forward to this in forever :)

Tomorrow Today:
-Get truck looked at
-Dr. appt for retarded arm

Saturday & Sunday:
-Grandma's house! :)

Yes it is going to be a good weekend!
& no homework to worry about either :)

Have a fabulous weekend y'all :D


Post 2 of the day... WHATTTT!

Day just got a hell of a lot better! Well it's technically night now but whatever!

I need to keep thinking that the reason he is an ex is because he is an EXample of what not to date and that there is a reason things didn't work out. It is for the best. Plus now I can live life and have some fun! :)

But anyways....
I went on a complete country music binge tonight. Like $30 worth country binge... oops!
God how I love country and the mood it puts me in :)
And then putting on a pretty dress I just bought with my boots... OMG I felt awesome :)
However, cleaning... that didn't happen haha.
All I could keep thinking about is the AZ State Fair Friday and Country Thunder in April!!! :)
Gahhhh it is going to be country boy heaven! :) Maybe find me a real man ;) Or just have a fabulous time! Either way I CAN'T WAIT TILL APRIL! :)

Alright enough with the caps and exclamation points... I need to calm down so I can go to bed soon haha.

Hope you had a happy hump day! :)
Time to conquer Thursday!


Well I found out some not so happy stuff... but I quickly realized that it really didn't hurt so much as I thought it would and then I came to the conclusion that I was okay with it as long as we were friends.. we will see how long that goes. Guys are just dicks. The end!

But either way today has just been a debbi downer kind of day. It really sucks. I've had 2 cups of coffee and I still feel dead. Blahhhh... I really really really hate days like today. And it is super windy out and that blows! Ha I made a funny.

Thank god I am going to go hang out with some really fun people in an hour and that will hopefully bring my spirits up. Also thinking about this weekend is kinda helping. I just want this week to be over. Its been too crazy. I just want to be lazy for 1 day, just 1 that's all.You'd think as a college student I would have lots of time to be lazy and sleep all day. But no... I'm busier than a bee. Okay that was a tacky saying haha.

I need to go clean this mess of a room I've been living in. I've been needing to clean it for like 2 weeks now but I've been so busy I never completely accomplished that, oops! It is going to happen today, orrr maybe tomorrow. But definitely before Friday since I am going home and I hate leaving with this big of a mess. And I feel like crafting, but all my crafting stuff is buried in the corner. AHH I'm going to cry, I think that is a sin to cover crafting stuff haha. Ya I might have some issues...


Hope you have a better Hump Day than I have been having!
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