Well Craptastic

Mother fucking people!
Excuse my french.
But wow.

Of all people...
I did not expect this.
Just wow.

It is one thing to blow me off.
And act like a total douche bag.
But lie too.
Some "friend".

Hold on...
Let me restate somethings...
I understand shit happens.
Life isn't easy.
But should you let that get between you and "best friends"?
Throw away friendships?
And for what?
I just don't understand...

I'm not exactly hurt.
Hell I'm not hurt one bit.
I kind of figured it was all good to be true.
I'm just confused.
I just want to know what would make someone throw a friendship away.
An ex?
I mean really.............
Why can't I just read minds.
That would make things A LOT easier.
I really don't want to have an intervention.
But fuck.
It might just have to happen.
There are those people in your life that no matter what happens...
You still care about them.
And you still want the best for them.
And you will do anything for them.
But when they just throw it all away overnight...
It's hard to want to try and figure things out.
Especially when you are just thrown away like a piece of trash.
I know I deserve to be treated better than that!

Just poo.
But whatever.
Over it.
I'm not going to dwell on it.
Moving on.
What is done is done.

I've got real friends that still care to hang out with me.
And that's what matters :)
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