I'm on a boat!!

Okay not really.
Well not yet anyways haha.
1 day!!

Finally getting away from life.
Gettin' to escape reality.
Words cannot express how excited I am.
I wasn't until just now.
It all just hit me.
No computer.
No phone.
No drama.
No nothing.

I cannot wait :)
I'm a little excited.
Can you tell?

My bags are packed.
Now I just need to be able to sleep...
Minor details haha.

This week has slowly turned around.
It started off shitty.
But after some apologies.
Things are better.
I hope they only get better.
I miss my friend.
A lot.
He doesn't realize it.
He probably won't.
But I still care.
Just givin' it time.
That's all I can do.
But I am not going to worry about it.
I've got other things to deal with.
Like all my joints hurting.
To the point I can't even walk up a flight of stairs.
Hopefully the blood I got drawn today will give me some answers.
Crossing my fingers.

Well seeing that I have to get up early.
I think I am calling it a night.
Plus my eyes hurt.

See y'all on the flip side!
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