Mondays are crazy days. It is go go go for 10 hours straight... not my cup of tea.
I was so excited to get back to my room and craft, but then I discovered I had accounting homework. Now usually I would put it off until morning except I have a HUGE exam next week and need to actually understand the material now. I knew there was a reason I decided to be a photography major haha.
And that leads into a little about me...
I have thought about starting a blog for months, but never found a good reason to or the motivation to. But after getting my heart broken from a two year relationship, I'm seeing things in a different way so here I am, learning to live without my best friend and I am doing pretty well. Originally my plan was to graduate as soon as I could and start a family... that no longer seems to be the case. Right now I am a photography major with a business minor and I only need 8 more classes to graduate. Yikes! Soo I am now rethinking studying abroad for a semester and grad school (something I never ever thought I would want to do). I change my mind daily. I am absolutely in love with the ocean and scuba diving, so I will definitely have a future with that somehow. For now I just need to pass the classes I am in and keep my GPA up (which is hard when business isn't your strong point). Oh and keep my hermit crabs alive. Yes I just bought two of them about a week ago and it has been interesting. Living at 7000 feet is a lot colder than the desert and unfortunately they haven't turned the heaters on so my poor hermit crabs have been freezing. I seriously put a scarf around their tank to help warm them up. It actually worked! They are my babies right now and are quite entertaining. They love the carpet in my apartment and surprisingly move very fast... I almost lost one a couple of times. The hardest part has been trying to find food they like. So far it is honey nut cheerios and bananas! I need to go grocery shopping so I can try different foods. Oh the joys of being a college student (like being up at 12:30, nbd).
That is pretty much my life as of now. It gets crazier by the day, especially being so involved with RHA (Resident Hall Association) and my sorority Omega Phi Alpha. But I wouldn't change it :)