Happy Halloween All!! :)
How are you spending this evening? Trick or treating? Partying? Haunted houses? Studying?
I'm definitely doing the later of them haha. The joys of being a college student.
However I did go to Taylor Haunted House tonight, unfortunately I don't get scared easily and kinda laughed the whole time haha. Sorry guys! :) But it was still awesome. It's fun cause I know people who are acting in it. One of the perks of being super involved on campus... You know A TON of people! :)
And once again for some reason I am in a really good mood. I don't quite know why either...
It might be cause I am super excited for this weekend, orrrr cause I have finally realized that time really does heal all and I can officially say I am happy with my life and that he is not a big part of it at the moment. However, I do hope he won't be completely absent from it because he is a good friend, and maybe one day he will grow up, but probably not and friends is the way it will be. And he can fix my truck for free hahahaha.
I take advantage of people sometimes... I can't help it I'm so awesome :)
Okay that was a little selfish but whatever! Having real people in my life that tell me the truth and really show that they care about me and want me around makes life sooooooo much better and makes me want every day to absolutely amazing and to live it to the fullest!
That was a lot of ands....
I could rant on for awhile about how great I feel and how blessed I am for amazing people in my life, but I seriously have accounting homework I NEED to do haha. And seeing that it is after 11 pm here, I need to get started. I am sure one day I will rant on foreverrrrr about that, but no more tonight. I need to focus... :)
Have a great night world!! :)
It is definitely a lazy day :)
And maybe doing homework haha.
Nawww its a movie kind of day :)
I really don't have anything new or exciting in my life. It's kinda sad :/
However I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy need to clean my room and this apartment haha. It's messy messy! Which is not my usual haha.
I am seriously in a fabulous mood! I love this :)
And maybe doing homework haha.
Nawww its a movie kind of day :)
I really don't have anything new or exciting in my life. It's kinda sad :/
However I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy need to clean my room and this apartment haha. It's messy messy! Which is not my usual haha.
I am seriously in a fabulous mood! I love this :)
That is how I feel right now.
ALL THIS !@#$%^& DRAMA!!!
It's seriously redonculous!
Stupid people!
Okay I'm done now haha. I realized that no matter how old you are or what the situation is, there is still stupid petty drama. I wish people would just grow up. It makes me just want to scream and say SHUT THE F UP!!
Alright now I'm really done ranting.
Tonight is Pledge Retreat. Now normally I would be super excited. However, with all the drama, sorority stuff hasn't been so fun lately :/ So I went for a little, and then HOCKEY GAME!! Oh how I seriously LOVE my roommate! We are two trouble makers when we are together :P I definitely needed the laugh and fun tonight.
Now for a nice White Collar marathon! Mmmmm can you say hello sexy :)
And then up at 4 am to wake the pledges up and take them to breakfast. Orrrr more like just stay up and jack myself up full of caffeine :)
Happy Halloween Weekend!! :)
ALL THIS !@#$%^& DRAMA!!!
It's seriously redonculous!
Stupid people!
Okay I'm done now haha. I realized that no matter how old you are or what the situation is, there is still stupid petty drama. I wish people would just grow up. It makes me just want to scream and say SHUT THE F UP!!
Alright now I'm really done ranting.
Tonight is Pledge Retreat. Now normally I would be super excited. However, with all the drama, sorority stuff hasn't been so fun lately :/ So I went for a little, and then HOCKEY GAME!! Oh how I seriously LOVE my roommate! We are two trouble makers when we are together :P I definitely needed the laugh and fun tonight.
Now for a nice White Collar marathon! Mmmmm can you say hello sexy :)
And then up at 4 am to wake the pledges up and take them to breakfast. Orrrr more like just stay up and jack myself up full of caffeine :)
Happy Halloween Weekend!! :)
Oh Homecoming Weekend...
So it is a tradition in Flagstaff to do tequila sunrise the morning of homecoming. Unfortunately, not being 21 yet sucks. Fortunately, I have AMAZING friends that have crazy parties with me :) Let's just say today has been interesting to say the least...
Friday was pretty uneventful.
I went to the hockey game with my roommate, we acted like total fools. It was fun :)
Saturday started slow and ended crazy.
It started with the homecoming float which looked like shit but eh whatever. Then it was Sonic and getting ready for the game. That was another let down :/ How they dropped the ball that much made me frustrated! You shouldn't lose your own homecoming game, that is just depressing. But we didn't let that ruin our evening haha. Fruity drinks = TROUBLE!!! ;) Oh my gosh sooo good! It made my week completely worth while.
And for some reason I thought graham crackers would keep skunks away from me as I walked home at 4:30 in the morning... just don't ask haha. It was that good of a night :)
It needs to happen again like asap. Oh wait it is :) Next weekend! How I love my life right now.
To say today was rough is an understatement...
My best friend called me at noon and was like wake the fuck up, what are we doing today hahahaha. We went and bought spray paint and got Chipotle, which was not as easy as it sounds haha,
I have laughed sooo much in the past 48 hours that I can't stop smiling. I have so many amazing people in my life that love me for me and want to spend time with me. I am trying to let go of the past now and seeing what is right in front of me. It isn't easy but I deserve this :) I can honestly say that I do and that makes me even happier :)
And now on to a depressing topic- homework :( blahhhh
Hahaha ya that isn't getting done now. I'm about to leave to go see Footloose with my roomies! :) I only want to see it because he is soooooo hot! Mmmm ;) I'll let you know how it is.
I need to eat again and find my shoes. Did I mention my room looks like shit, it is never this messy. It's bad! Oh well... I have other priorities at the moment :D
Friday was pretty uneventful.
I went to the hockey game with my roommate, we acted like total fools. It was fun :)
Saturday started slow and ended crazy.
It started with the homecoming float which looked like shit but eh whatever. Then it was Sonic and getting ready for the game. That was another let down :/ How they dropped the ball that much made me frustrated! You shouldn't lose your own homecoming game, that is just depressing. But we didn't let that ruin our evening haha. Fruity drinks = TROUBLE!!! ;) Oh my gosh sooo good! It made my week completely worth while.
And for some reason I thought graham crackers would keep skunks away from me as I walked home at 4:30 in the morning... just don't ask haha. It was that good of a night :)
It needs to happen again like asap. Oh wait it is :) Next weekend! How I love my life right now.
To say today was rough is an understatement...
My best friend called me at noon and was like wake the fuck up, what are we doing today hahahaha. We went and bought spray paint and got Chipotle, which was not as easy as it sounds haha,
I have laughed sooo much in the past 48 hours that I can't stop smiling. I have so many amazing people in my life that love me for me and want to spend time with me. I am trying to let go of the past now and seeing what is right in front of me. It isn't easy but I deserve this :) I can honestly say that I do and that makes me even happier :)
And now on to a depressing topic- homework :( blahhhh
Hahaha ya that isn't getting done now. I'm about to leave to go see Footloose with my roomies! :) I only want to see it because he is soooooo hot! Mmmm ;) I'll let you know how it is.
I need to eat again and find my shoes. Did I mention my room looks like shit, it is never this messy. It's bad! Oh well... I have other priorities at the moment :D
Gold Card Member at Michaels?!!
Today sucked- I had zero energy to do anything and felt like shit. I just hope I didn't do bad on my accounting exam or I might will cry. Sigh.
However I am watching Beauty and the Beast with my roommates which makes things a little better.
And my total douche bag of an ex got what he deserved today. Apparently his so amazing car broke haha. I can't feel bad, I just can't. Not after what he did to me. But enough about him. He is done and over with.
I also love my roommates- "I just want to bathe in BBQ sauce"... Uhhh weird haha.
And I hate my random ice cream cravings hahaha. Ice cream makes everything better :)
Ohhhh and Gold Card member at Michaels hahahahahaha. I guess I've spent $250 at Michaels in the past year and now get a special gold card haha. I have a problem. Naw it's Michaels, you can never have enough crafting stuff :)
Time to go continuing doing nothing! I think I deserve it.
However I am watching Beauty and the Beast with my roommates which makes things a little better.
And my total douche bag of an ex got what he deserved today. Apparently his so amazing car broke haha. I can't feel bad, I just can't. Not after what he did to me. But enough about him. He is done and over with.
I also love my roommates- "I just want to bathe in BBQ sauce"... Uhhh weird haha.
And I hate my random ice cream cravings hahaha. Ice cream makes everything better :)
Ohhhh and Gold Card member at Michaels hahahahahaha. I guess I've spent $250 at Michaels in the past year and now get a special gold card haha. I have a problem. Naw it's Michaels, you can never have enough crafting stuff :)
Time to go continuing doing nothing! I think I deserve it.
Gah Spray Paint
Which means total insanity.
Woooooooooooooo! Not.
Today and yesterday and tomorrow and the rest of week is working on a float for the parade. I don't know why I sign up for this every year when it is always super stressful and no one wants to actually do any work. Blah! Dumb people. But whatever. It's going to be awesome either way.
On the spray paint topic... I definitely forgot about gloves and got my whole hand coated in spray paint. It was a lovely sea green/puke color. Fabulous right? Not really. Thank god Goo Gone worked amazing and my hand is normal colored again haha. If anyone has any better ideas for getting spray paint off hands, it would be greatly appreciated!
Blah I need to sleep. Another long day tomorrow.
Have a happy hump day!!
Which means total insanity.
Woooooooooooooo! Not.
Today and yesterday and tomorrow and the rest of week is working on a float for the parade. I don't know why I sign up for this every year when it is always super stressful and no one wants to actually do any work. Blah! Dumb people. But whatever. It's going to be awesome either way.
On the spray paint topic... I definitely forgot about gloves and got my whole hand coated in spray paint. It was a lovely sea green/puke color. Fabulous right? Not really. Thank god Goo Gone worked amazing and my hand is normal colored again haha. If anyone has any better ideas for getting spray paint off hands, it would be greatly appreciated!
Blah I need to sleep. Another long day tomorrow.
Have a happy hump day!!
Who Needs Sleep!!
RHA Retreat was AMAZING!! Probably one of the best times I’ve had in a long time. I haven’t smiled or laughed that much either. I think the 400+ pictures taken pretty much sums it all up haha.
I would have to say my favorite part was the last group activity we did where we sat in a circle with our backs facing each other. Then we closed our eyes and people tapped one another on the back if they thought they were a good leader, beautiful, a good friend, someone who made a impact in your life today, and so on. It felt amazing to get tapped for things you don’t think you are by people who you’ve only known for a day. It was really a great time. I wish it didn’t have to end. There are some really fabulous people out there! :)

Love you guys!!
Little Bit of Love!
Gahhh the craziness has begun! Well technically it starts tomorrow at 8 am... But it will be sooo worth it!! :)
Homecoming is next week and I realized I will have zero time for anything and I am still very excited haha. But I need to focus on just this weekend for now...
Tomorrow is the RHA retreat and I am soo excited. Hiking, friends, meeting new people, learning, cabins- It is going to be epic!
Anddddd I made a little treat for it :)
What do you get with...

All this....

Okay not all of them turned out super pretty, but I think they look pretty damn good and will be perfect for tomorrow! Hopefully they taste as good as they look haha. I will keep you posted on that...
In other news-
I came to the sad realization that I am almost completely broke again :( Finding a job in Flagstaff is nearly impossible. And it is sooo frustrating!! I am extremely grateful for my parents who are supporting me and are always there for me :)
I can't wait to see them in 3 weeks! Hello Arizona State Fair and my grandma's delicious chocolate chip cookies. Thank god for family!! :)
Now time to watch some more Criminal Minds and relax before the insanity starts.
Homecoming is next week and I realized I will have zero time for anything and I am still very excited haha. But I need to focus on just this weekend for now...
Tomorrow is the RHA retreat and I am soo excited. Hiking, friends, meeting new people, learning, cabins- It is going to be epic!
Anddddd I made a little treat for it :)
What do you get with...

All this....

Okay not all of them turned out super pretty, but I think they look pretty damn good and will be perfect for tomorrow! Hopefully they taste as good as they look haha. I will keep you posted on that...
In other news-
I came to the sad realization that I am almost completely broke again :( Finding a job in Flagstaff is nearly impossible. And it is sooo frustrating!! I am extremely grateful for my parents who are supporting me and are always there for me :)
I can't wait to see them in 3 weeks! Hello Arizona State Fair and my grandma's delicious chocolate chip cookies. Thank god for family!! :)
Now time to watch some more Criminal Minds and relax before the insanity starts.
Don't burn your bridges
With all the drama that is going on I feel that it is necessary as people are starting to lose it haha. Oh midterms how I love you.
So once again it is 1 am- I may or may not have forgotten about 2 online quizzes due by noon Wednesday... and socializing came first. I think everyone needs a good 3 hour Starbucks/gossiping break :) Definitely made my week better and it's not even half over.
I need sleep since I decided I am getting up and going to my accounting SI session in the morning. The more help the better right? And tomorrow is a LONG day. Joy!
P.S. Happy Hump Day!
So once again it is 1 am- I may or may not have forgotten about 2 online quizzes due by noon Wednesday... and socializing came first. I think everyone needs a good 3 hour Starbucks/gossiping break :) Definitely made my week better and it's not even half over.
I need sleep since I decided I am getting up and going to my accounting SI session in the morning. The more help the better right? And tomorrow is a LONG day. Joy!
P.S. Happy Hump Day!
Manic Mondays!
Mondays are crazy days. It is go go go for 10 hours straight... not my cup of tea.
I was so excited to get back to my room and craft, but then I discovered I had accounting homework. Now usually I would put it off until morning except I have a HUGE exam next week and need to actually understand the material now. I knew there was a reason I decided to be a photography major haha.
And that leads into a little about me...
I have thought about starting a blog for months, but never found a good reason to or the motivation to. But after getting my heart broken from a two year relationship, I'm seeing things in a different way so here I am, learning to live without my best friend and I am doing pretty well. Originally my plan was to graduate as soon as I could and start a family... that no longer seems to be the case. Right now I am a photography major with a business minor and I only need 8 more classes to graduate. Yikes! Soo I am now rethinking studying abroad for a semester and grad school (something I never ever thought I would want to do). I change my mind daily. I am absolutely in love with the ocean and scuba diving, so I will definitely have a future with that somehow. For now I just need to pass the classes I am in and keep my GPA up (which is hard when business isn't your strong point). Oh and keep my hermit crabs alive. Yes I just bought two of them about a week ago and it has been interesting. Living at 7000 feet is a lot colder than the desert and unfortunately they haven't turned the heaters on so my poor hermit crabs have been freezing. I seriously put a scarf around their tank to help warm them up. It actually worked! They are my babies right now and are quite entertaining. They love the carpet in my apartment and surprisingly move very fast... I almost lost one a couple of times. The hardest part has been trying to find food they like. So far it is honey nut cheerios and bananas! I need to go grocery shopping so I can try different foods. Oh the joys of being a college student (like being up at 12:30, nbd).
That is pretty much my life as of now. It gets crazier by the day, especially being so involved with RHA (Resident Hall Association) and my sorority Omega Phi Alpha. But I wouldn't change it :)
I was so excited to get back to my room and craft, but then I discovered I had accounting homework. Now usually I would put it off until morning except I have a HUGE exam next week and need to actually understand the material now. I knew there was a reason I decided to be a photography major haha.
And that leads into a little about me...
I have thought about starting a blog for months, but never found a good reason to or the motivation to. But after getting my heart broken from a two year relationship, I'm seeing things in a different way so here I am, learning to live without my best friend and I am doing pretty well. Originally my plan was to graduate as soon as I could and start a family... that no longer seems to be the case. Right now I am a photography major with a business minor and I only need 8 more classes to graduate. Yikes! Soo I am now rethinking studying abroad for a semester and grad school (something I never ever thought I would want to do). I change my mind daily. I am absolutely in love with the ocean and scuba diving, so I will definitely have a future with that somehow. For now I just need to pass the classes I am in and keep my GPA up (which is hard when business isn't your strong point). Oh and keep my hermit crabs alive. Yes I just bought two of them about a week ago and it has been interesting. Living at 7000 feet is a lot colder than the desert and unfortunately they haven't turned the heaters on so my poor hermit crabs have been freezing. I seriously put a scarf around their tank to help warm them up. It actually worked! They are my babies right now and are quite entertaining. They love the carpet in my apartment and surprisingly move very fast... I almost lost one a couple of times. The hardest part has been trying to find food they like. So far it is honey nut cheerios and bananas! I need to go grocery shopping so I can try different foods. Oh the joys of being a college student (like being up at 12:30, nbd).
That is pretty much my life as of now. It gets crazier by the day, especially being so involved with RHA (Resident Hall Association) and my sorority Omega Phi Alpha. But I wouldn't change it :)
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